FHWA Recent Grant Announcements (Approximately $260m)
- Arizona Grand Avenue Improvements – MAG (ADOT to deliver)
- 35th Avenue/Indian School & Grand – grade separation
- INFRA ($133,888,089) and Mega Grant ($12,739,765)
- Total of $146,627,854 (Approximately $146.6m)
- 35th Avenue/Indian School & Grand – grade separation
- US93 Wickenburg Ranch Way to Vista Royale – City of Wickenburg (ADOT to deliver)
- Widened 2 lanes to divided 4 lanes, roundabouts, 2 lane frontage rd, and SB 2 lane bridge over BNSF tracks
- INFRA – $26m
- Widened 2 lanes to divided 4 lanes, roundabouts, 2 lane frontage rd, and SB 2 lane bridge over BNSF tracks
- I-40 Window Rock and Lupton Traffic Interchange Enhancements – ADOT
- Replace four rigid-frame concrete bridges built in 1963 + other improvements (increase vertical clearance, eliminate seasonal flooding, improve traffic flow on crossroads and enhance pedestrian safety)
- Bridge Investment Program (BIP) – $27.5m
- Advanced Digital Construction Management System Grant – ADOT
- With funding ADOT able to accelerate Model as A Legal Document (MALD) and Digital Delivery
- ADCMS – $1.36m
- Congestion Relief Grant Program – City of Phoenix
- Project EASE (Effective Access Solutions for Easing Congestion) in the City of Phoenix
- Congestion Relief – $12.9m
- Low Carbon Transportation Materials Grants – ADOT
- Pursue activities that create new processes to qualify low-carbon transportation materials (LCTM) then put these processes into practice on construction projects
- LCTM – $27m
- Note a NOFO is currently open for this non-state DOT recipients for Low Carbon Transportation Materials grants
- Connected Vehicle Technologies – V2X – MCDOT
- V2X – $19.6m
- Deploying Life Saving technology
- Deployment of V2X technologies to connect 750 physical roadside units and virtual roadside units to 400 vehicle onboard units targeting emergency, transit, and freight fleets
- Arizona Grand Avenue Improvements – MAG (ADOT to deliver)